Adding Authorization

SecureSocial provides a way to add authorization logic to your controller actions. This is done by implementing an Authorization object that is passed to the SecuredAction as a parameter.

After checking if a user is authenticated the Authorization instance is used to verify if the execution should be allowed or not.


For Scala, you need to implement the Authorization trait.

trait Authorization {		
	def isAuthorized(user: Identity): Boolean

This is a sample implementation that only grants acccess to users that logged in using a given provider:

case class WithProvider(provider: String) extends Authorization {
  def isAuthorized(user: Identity) = {
    user.identityId.providerId == provider

Here's how you would use it:

def myAction = SecuredAction(WithProvider("twitter")) { implicit request =>
	// do something here


For Java, you need to implement the Authorization interface.

public interface Authorization {
 	   boolean isAuthorized(Identity user, String[] params);

This is an equivalent implementation to the Scala sample:

public class WithProvider implements Authorization {
    public boolean isAuthorized(Identity user, String params[]) {
        return user.identityId().providerId().equals(params[0]);

Here's how you would use it:

@SecureSocial.SecuredAction( authorization = WithProvider.class, params = {"twitter"})
public static Result myAction() {
    // do something here