
SecureSocial relies on an implementation of UserService to handle all the operations related to saving/finding users. Using this delegation model you are not forced to use a particular model object or a persistence mechanism but rather provide a service that translates back and forth between your models and what SecureSocial understands.

Besides users, this service is also in charge of persisting the tokens that are used in signup and reset password requests. Some of these methods are only required if you are going to use the UsernamePasswordProvider. If you do not plan to use it just provide an empty implementation for them. Check the documentation in the source code to know which ones are optional.


SocialUser is an object that implements the Identity trait. An instance of this class is created by SecureSocial to gather information about the user when he signs up and/or signs in.

Identity and SocialUser

As you will see, some methods in UserService receive or return Identity instances. When your implementation receives an Identity (eg: in the save method) the class instantiated is actually a SocialUser.

When you return an Identity from the find method you can return an instance of a SocialUser or your own object that implements Identity. Since the instance that gets returned by find is passed back to your controller actions this allows you to use your own class when handling requests. This is useful because you can easily convert an Identity to your own model by using pattern matching in Scala or casting in Java.

As an example, if you had a User class that implemented Identity you'd convert it as follows:

def myAction = SecuredAction { implicit request =>
	request.user match { 
		case user: User => {
			// handle request
	    case _ => // did not get a User instance, log error throw exception 

In Java, you would do something like:

public static Result myAction() {
    User user = (User) ctx().args.get(SecureSocial.USER_KEY);
    return ok(index.render(user));

How to implement

For Scala you need to extend the UserServicePlugin. For example:

import play.api.Application
import securesocial.core.{Identity, IdentityId, UserServicePlugin}
import securesocial.core.providers.Token

class MyUserService(application: Application) extends UserServicePlugin(application) {
   * Finds a user that maches the specified id
   * @param id the user id
   * @return an optional user
  def find(id: IdentityId):Option[Identity] = {
  	// implement me

   * Finds a user by email and provider id.
   * Note: If you do not plan to use the UsernamePassword provider just provide en empty
   * implementation.
   * @param email - the user email
   * @param providerId - the provider id
   * @return
  def findByEmailAndProvider(email: String, providerId: String):Option[Identity] =
  	// implement me

   * Saves the user.  This method gets called when a user logs in.
   * This is your chance to save the user information in your backing store.
   * @param user
  def save(user: Identity) {
  	// implement me

   * Saves a token.  This is needed for users that
   * are creating an account in the system instead of using one in a 3rd party system.
   * Note: If you do not plan to use the UsernamePassword provider just provide en empty
   * implementation
   * @param token The token to save
  def save(token: Token) = {
  	// implement me

   * Finds a token
   * Note: If you do not plan to use the UsernamePassword provider just provide en empty
   * implementation
   * @param token the token id
   * @return
  def findToken(token: String): Option[Token] = {
  	// implement me

   * Deletes a token
   * Note: If you do not plan to use the UsernamePassword provider just provide en empty
   * implementation
   * @param uuid the token id
  def deleteToken(uuid: String) {
  	// implement me

   * Deletes all expired tokens
   * Note: If you do not plan to use the UsernamePassword provider just provide en empty
   * implementation
  def deleteExpiredTokens() {
  	// implement me

For Java, you need to extend the BaseUserService class.

public class MyUserService extends BaseUserService {

    public MyUserService(Application application) {

     * Saves the user.  This method gets called when a user logs in.
     * This is your chance to save the user information in your backing store.
     * @param user
    public void doSave(Identity user) {
        // implement me

     * Finds an Identity in the backing store.	     
     * @return an Identity instance or null if no user matches the specified id
    public Identity doFind(IdentityId id) {
        // implement me

     * Finds an identity by email and provider id.
     * Note: If you do not plan to use the UsernamePassword provider just provide en empty
     * implementation.
     * @param email - the user email
     * @param providerId - the provider id
     * @return an Identity instance or null if no user matches the specified id
    public Identity doFindByEmailAndProvider(String email, String providerId) {
        // implement me

     * Saves a token
    public void doSave(Token token) {
        // implement me

	 * Finds a token by id
	 * Note: If you do not plan to use the UsernamePassword provider just provide en empty
     * implementation
	 * @return a Token instance or null if no token matches the id
    public Token doFindToken(String tokenId) {
        // implement me

     * Deletes a token
     * Note: If you do not plan to use the UsernamePassword provider just provide en empty
     * implementation
     * @param uuid the token id
    public void doDeleteToken(String uuid) {
        // implement me

     * Deletes all expired tokens
     * Note: If you do not plan to use the UsernamePassword provider just provide en empty
     * implementation
    public void doDeleteExpiredTokens() {
        // implement me

Note: the Scala and Java samples come with a memory based implementation that can be used as a starting point for your own implementation.


Note that the Token class is implemented in Scala and Java. Make sure you import the one that matches the language you are using in your UserService implementation.